
Pile and clutter attack: spring wartime logistics Ever wonder who came up with the term “spring cleaning?” Probably some ancient domestic magazine trying to fill up their pages. Perhaps the term became common because spring is a time of renewal, prompting people to swap winter’s stagnation for the promise of a new season. But with cleaning supplies? That kind of renewal doesn’t sound like much fun. The thing is, you can’t truly start cleaning until you get rid of the stuff that accumulates everywhere and obscures what’s underneath. Six sets of shoes are strewn under the dining room table where kids do their homework. Tissues and plates are left behind from TV-watching in the family room. “Possible” outfits before leaving for a night out are now in a rejection pile. Clean laundry (now wrinkled), is still in a heap. As that infamous smart-mouthed Bugs Bunny used to say — “This means war!” Realtor.com’s Jennifer Kelly Geddes suggests a stealth attack. Start on a small scale by first getting rid of the clutter that inevitably builds up over the winter months. Give the phenomenon a name that resonates with you — doom piles, depression rooms, stagnation city — but don’t fail to recognize the phenomenon that created these pieces of art (yes, they’re called “habits”). Okay, that’s all the finger-wagging we’ll do when it comes to heaps of junk you’ve swept onto a chair or into a bag, box, or laundry basket (or onto the floor) to clear some much-needed space. Truth be told, Geddes finds that even organizing professionals have their challenges with it. “I often have small areas that are cluttered—like my bag or car or another spot I let build up,” admits pro organizer Katie McCann. When doom piles begin to grow, they are often the result of relieving a bit of personal pressure. Reach out for more! Realtor, TBWS

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