
Selling a house that comes with bad neighbors Looking “bad by association” is still a term used when someone hangs out around an individual or group considered undesirable. When it comes to selling real estate, one rotten apple neighbor can make the entire street look bad. Realtor.com’s Jamie Wiebe agrees, saying,“Whether their yard looks like something out of ‘Hoarders,’ or is bordered by rude, lousy neighbors, it can throw off a sale.” Unfortunately, most neighborly disputes don’t have a legal remedy. So Weibe says your best options are a diplomatic conversation, a smile, and crossed fingers. “Sometimes the solution, sadly, is dropping your asking price and getting the hell out of Dodge,” she says. There are times, however, when the law does have your back. In the case of neighbors waiting with great anticipation for you to sell your house because they want it so badly, they will shoo off competitors, Wiebe consulted Atlanta-based attorney Bruce Ailion, who has dealt with his share of bad neighbors—including a vindictive neighbor desperate to buy. “Every time someone would pull in to see the home, he would conveniently make himself available to answer questions and eagerly share his story about how the former owners were crack or meth addicts,” he says. “He’d say they dealt drugs from the home, that people were coming and going at all hours.” While this was untrue, it sent potential buyers running. What can you do? “You could sell the home to your neighbors, but if they expect a neighborly discount (or have turned you off with their poor behavior), you need to sit them down for a frank conversation: They aren’t getting the house,” says Wiebe. “If they continue to frighten potential buyers, consult a lawyer. You may have a case to sue them for slander—but expect the road to success to be bumpy.” Reach out for more! Realtor, TBWS

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